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The Navigation API

The Navigation API should be used to register custom navigator types at the startup of the server and to generate custom navigators as needed throughout its lifetime.

Access the NavigationApi like the following:

JourneyApi journey = JourneyApiProvider.get();
NavigationApi navigating = journey.navigating();

You may navigate in game manually with NavigationApi#navigate and NavigationApi#navigatePlayer. Usually, you would call this after a search is completed:

JourneyApi journeyApi = JourneyApiProvider.get();
journeyApi.searching().runPlayerDestinationSearch(...).thenAccept(result -> {
if (result.status() != SearchResult.Status.SUCCESS) {
/* failure! */
journeyApi.navigating().navigatePlayer(playerUuid, result.path(), /* optional "details" */);

Every Navigator has associated NavigatorOptions, as designated by the Navigator's NavigatorFactory. In game players and API users may specify values for these "options" to alter the behavior of an individual Navigator. NavigatorDetails hold the raw information about these option values. These are then accessible within the Navigator via a helpful interface (NavigatorOptionValues).

It is recommended to use a NavigatorDetailsBuilder``Navigator/NavigatorFactory's associated NavigatorDetailsBuilder.

You may register a new Navigator type by creating and registering a NavigatorFactory. A NavigatorFactory contains global information about its Navigators and contains the logic for generating them.

Let's take an example where I am building a "Siren" navigator, where players are led to their destinations by the sounds of a designated Minecraft sound that are always coming from a location just a few blocks ahead of the player.
public void onEnable() {
NavigationApi navigating = ...;
navigating.registerNavigator(NavigatorFactory.builder("MyPlugin", "siren")
// The conventional pattern for permissions for navigators is "journey.flag.navigator.<id>"
public class SirenNavigator implements Navigator {
JourneyAgent agent;
NavigationProgress progress;
NavigatorOptionValues options;

public SirenNavigator(JourneyAgent agent, NavigationProgress progress, NavigatorOptionValues optionValues) {
this.agent = agent;
this.progress = progress;
this.optionValues = optionValues;

public void start() {
// Schedule a task that periodically makes a sound a little bit ahead of the player

public void stop() {
// Cancel the scheduled task


The permission is for in-game use. Only players with the permission may specify this navigator when executing a search command with the "navigator flag".

You may also add NavigatorOptions to your NavigatorFactory. This will allow players and users of the API to alter the behavior of their subsequently generated Navigator. In the case of my "siren" Navigator, I might want to let people specify the type of sound they want to hear:
private static final Set<String> ALLOWED_SOUNDS = /* Set of allowed sounds */;

public void onEnable() {
NavigationApi navigating = ...;
navigating.registerNavigator(NavigatorFactory.builder("MyPlugin", "siren")
.valueSuggestions(() -> /* get list of Minecraft sounds */))
// Some sounds may be unsupported, so you can validate them here
.validator(sound -> ALLOWED_SOUNDS.contains(sound) ? null : "Sound not allowed: " + sound)
.valuePermission(sound -> "journey.flag.navigator.siren." + sound)