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Journey uses the Mantle Command Framework to handle command execution. As with other Mantle projects, the entire command framework is summarized in one .gz file, which can be found among the source code.

All commands are split between two base commands:

  1. /journey
  2. /journeyto

Use aliases /jo and /jt instead of /journey and /journeyto to use commands more efficiently

Command arguments surrounded with <> are required parameters. Those surrounded with [] are optional.

/journeyto [name] [flags...]

Starts a journey to a given destination

The name parameter can optionally be a series of names delineated by colons. The last name refers to the actual name of the location, and all the previous names describe the context, or scope, in which the location is defined.

For example, if you set a personal waypoint called myhome, you may "journey" to myhome using /journeyto personal:myhome. To teleport to a player's location, use /journeyto player:PlayerName.

In most cases, if the name of a location is unique among other contexts, you may omit the scope. So, in the previous example, you may use /journeyto myhome, but only if there are no public waypoints or locations from other contexts called myhome. Similarly, as long as there are no waypoints with the same name as a player, you may journey to a player using just /journeyto PlayerName.

Scopes include:

Your personal waypointspersonal:<name>
Server-wide waypointsserver:<name>
Player locationsplayer:<name>
Other player's personal waypointsplayer:<name>:waypoints:<name>
The surface, if you're undergroundsurface
Your last known death locationdeath

/journey cancel

Cancel an ongoing search or discard a completed path

/journey setwaypoint <name>

Sets a personal waypoint

/journey listwaypoints [page]

Lists all your personal waypoints

/journey waypoint <name> [flags...]

Starts a journey to a personal waypoint

Alternatively, use /journeyto personal:<name>.

/journey waypoint <name> unset

Removes a personal waypoint

/journey waypoint <name> rename <new name>

Renames a personal waypoint to something else

  • Permission - journey.edit.personal
  • Arguments
    • name: the name of your waypoint to change
    • new name: the new name of your waypoint

/journey waypoint <name> public [true|false]

Changes the publicity of a personal waypoint

If no true or false is specified, it will just toggle the publicity to the opposite state.

/journey server setwaypoint <name>

Sets a server waypoint

/journey server listwaypoints [page]

Lists all the server waypoints

/journey server waypoint <name> [flags...]

Starts a journey to a server waypoint

Alternatively, use /journeyto server:<name>.

/journey server waypoint <name> unset

Removes a server waypoint

/journey server waypoint <name> rename <new name>

Renames a server waypoint to something else

  • Permission - journey.edit.server
  • Arguments
    • name: the name of the waypoint to change
    • new name: the new name of the waypoint

/journey player <player> [name]

Starts a journey to a player or, if the name is given, to one of their public waypoints

/journey admin debug [target]

Begins debug messaging, either for just the target or for everyone if no target is given

  • Permission - journey.admin.debug
  • Arguments
    • target: the online player who has searches from which you want to receive debug information

/journey admin cache paths build


Potentially uses a lot of space in your database!

Journey caches previously calculated paths to speed up search times. This command pre-calculates many of these paths and stores them so searches may use them instead of calculating them on the fly.

The config parameter storage.cache.max_cells lets you set how many cells (blocks) you may store in cache before Journey will start to throw out possible cached paths in an effort to save storage space. If storage space isn't an issue and you are hitting that limit, go ahead and raise that config value to experience faster search times.

/journey admin cache paths clear

Clear all stored cached paths.

See the storage.cache.max_cells config parameter.

/journey admin cache portals clear

Clears the cache of known portal connections


You should never have to do this!

Journey keeps an internal cache of all portal connections. These are added and updated as players usem, so this command is only needed if something breaks. Use the admin listportals command to see what portals currently are known to Journey.

/journey admin listportals [page]

List out all known Nether portal connections

Journey only knows where Nether portals are and how they are connected once someone or something goes through one. These connections are stored and used for future calculations.

Search Flags

Various flags may be appended to the end of a search command to change certain parameters about the search and resulting paths. If the value of the flag is a boolean (true or false), then the presence of the flag will toggle it from the server default. For other flags, the value must be specified afterwards. So, depending on the flag, they can either be written like -<flag_name> or like -<flag_name> <value>.

Timeout Flag

Declares how many seconds the search will take if a solution is never found

  • -timeout 60 - 60 second timeout
  • -timeout 180 - 180 second timeout

Animate Flag

Deploys an animation during the search and declares how many milliseconds the search will wait between calculation steps

  • -animate 10 - 10 millisecond delay
  • -animate 50 - 50 millisecond delay
  • -animate - animates with server default

Fly Flag

Decides whether to consider flying as a viable mode of transport, but only if flight is enabled

  • -fly - toggles the consideration of flight
  • -fly true - considers flight during the search, but only if flight is already enabled
  • -fly false - does not consider flight during the search

Door Flag

Decides whether iron doors should be considered obstructive

  • -door - toggles the obstructivity of iron doors
  • -door true - considers iron doors obstructive
  • -door false - considers iron doors unobstructive

Dig Flag

Decides whether to consider digging as a viable mode of transport

In most cases, you probably only want to consider places you can get to without breaking through blocks.

  • -dig - toggles the consideration of the digging mode
  • -dig true - considers digging a viable mode of transport
  • -dig false - does not consider digging a viable mode of transport

Decides which navigator to use

  • -navigator trail

Some options may be optionally specified along with a navigator type:

  • -navigator trail {<options>}

Navigator options may be specified after the navigator type as a comma separated list of elements in the form <key>:<value>. All navigator types have the following options with the corresponding expected values:

  • completion-message: a message to send when you complete navigation (formatted as a Minimessage)
  • completion-title: a title to send when you complete navigation (formatted as a Minimessage)
  • completion-subtitle: a sub-title to send when you complete navigation (formatted as a Minimessage)

Trail navigators also have the following options:

  • particle: the particle type used in the trail
  • color: the color of the particesl in the trail (only applicable if particle is redstone)
  • width: the width of the particle trail
  • density: the density of the particles in the particle trail

A possible command using navigator options may look like:

/jt home -navigator trail { particle:redstone,color:CFFFB3 }